Because of the WEAK CONTOLS, the whole game doesent appeal to me, all the while the VS mode is a nice idea (and could be fun with better controls). So, Ill be waiting for an update and check again. Please improve/change controls. Thanks.
Whats the problem with the controls?
1. BUTTONS: way to adward and, hence, too slow! Implement TOUCH CONTROLS instead (like in "STaCKaH", for example)!
2. PLACEMENT: the buttons are right in the center of the screen, and although transparent, irritating. Move them to the bottom of the screen, below the first line of blocks. In a single row (move block left, move block right, turn block, drop block), so the device could be held with both hands and the buttons operated with left and right thumb.
Hundertneunzehn about Block vs Block, v1.02